I would say I definitely preferred the story in TFBW. While I did like the superhero aspect (and I’m a hoe for sci-fi in the vein of Schwab’s Vicious), I did find that SOT was more focussed on parodying the genre rather than the state of it in film. I guess either DC or X-Men? I’m actually not sure but it was definitely a parody of that. Though the focus does seem to be more on the films part of superheroes, like how Coon & Friends and Freedom Pals were meant to be a parody of Marvel vs…. On the flip side, TFBW parodies specifically the hype of superhero films while also parodying the films themselves. I liked how in SOT there were mini sets, the kind kids would make. The Stick of Truth is a parody on fantasy, while The Fractured but Whole parodies superhero movies in a more meta sense.

I played them pretty close to one another so I decided to talk about which I think does things for different reasons better, and which I like better overall.

I recently got really back into it and I played the video game The Fractured But Whole and I replayed (after like 4 1/2 years) The Stick of Truth. So if you follow me on Twitter you probably know that South Park is one of my favourite, if not my favourite, TV series.